20) JULY 23, 1971: 1971 CONVENTION: HERE I AM
Dr. Henry C. Kinley
Beverly Hills Hilton
Beverly Hills, California
July 23, 1971 at the 1971 Convention
The first time Dr. Kinley spoke at the 1971 convention was Friday, July 23, 1971, the second to the last full day of the convention. He was the the 3rd speaker at that evening session of this day. The following evening, July 24, 1971, the last full day of the convention, Dr. Kinley spoke the entire session. This transcript is of the July 23, 1971 session.
received from Carl Emler
CATALOG # 71.0723
Transcribed by Geraldine Rothstein
Proofread by Mary Gross
Approved by International Public Relations Committee – January 1995
1. indicates that Dr. Kinley ended a word or a sentence without verbally completing it.
2. Audience comments are included only if more than one person responded.
3. Unless emphasized by Dr. Kinley pause words have been left out of the transcript for the sake of ease in readability and comprehension (see, you understand, you know, you see, you understand me, you follow.)
4. ___ indicates an inaudible word or syllable
5. WORDS IN CAPITAL LETTERS are comments of the transcriber.
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Moderator: At this time we’ll have an announcement by our founder. In the year of 1931 he received a divine vision and revelation, and what you see pictorially illustrated on these charts are a result of his vision. Our founder, Dr. Henry C. Kinley:
Dr. Kinley: Thank you ever so much. I’m happy and glad to be here with you people in this convention. I know that some of you have been wondering why I haven’t said anything before now. And there’s been many interrogations, false questions or catechizing why I haven’t said anything. And I don’t intend to preach now, but I just thought it would be well for me to let you know that I didn’t intend to let you go away without having something to say to you, not at this convention. And I wanted to tell you some things that .., Dr. Harris brought out one of them this afternoon, but the most important thing that I want to tell you is this. Now we’ve kinda got this thing kinda twisted. Now when I say kinda twisted I mean this: everything you have ever been taught in your life is wrong. Now Dr. Harris told you this afternoon, your dean, he told you that Genesis was not the first book of Moses, and I think he proved it to you. Now they told you that Genesis was the first book. No, that’s not true. They told you that the New Testament was Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. They told you that the Messiah said that He come to institute. Now that’s what they been telling you out there in the churches. They been lying to you about that. He didn’t say that. And there’s something else I just want to point out to you here in the 3rd chapter of Exodus. I want you to see there that Yahweh told Moses, when He sent him down into Egypt, He told him … Moses asked him where He was going to be. And what did He say to Moses? Certainly I will be with you. Now the folks, haven’t caught up with that yet. Now do you know the reason why He told His disciples, after He was born through the loins of the virgin Mary, in Matthew 19, 28, 28:19 and 20. He said to them, go in all the world or all the age (now straighten that world business up too,) go in all the age (now you have the ages over there on that chart over there) and preach the gospel. Would you mind readin’ that. I just wanna show you that we don’t pay no attention to what we’re reading.
Reader: Matthew 28:19,20. Go ye therefore,
Dr. Kinley: That’s right.
Reader: and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you, and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the age.
Dr. Kinley: Now you see when He went down into Egypt He told Moses what to tell Pharaoh again, tell him everything I have commanded you to tell him. Now then, in order to fulfil that after He comes out of the grave He tells them to go in the name of the Father (now you haven’t been too long learning what the name of the Father was,) and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. And lo I am with you alway even unto the end of the age. Now what I want to say is: here I am.
Dr. Kinley: Believe it or not I’m here.
Dr. Kinley: And I want to let you know that I know what my purpose is. That’s right. I knew it back in the realm of eternity and declared the end from the beginning and I’ve been right along all the time and it’s wonderful when you can get something definite, something positive, something basic, something concrete, something irrefutable and undeniable by anybody. Now somebody thought that Jesus or Yahshua jumped aboard a cloud and He went on off. They don’t even know why He ascended on a cloud. If you’d look in your Book, in the 1st chapter of Acts you’d find out He went and take ’em out, led ’em out to the Mount of Olives and ascended from the Mount of Olives in a cloud. Now a lotta folks out there just whoopin’ and hollerin’, spittin’ and stompin’ and carrying on. They don’t know why He did that. Now he .., this is what they don’t see, they don’t see that He brought them out of Egypt and all the way to Canaan Land under a cloud. Now He’s gonna fulfil that, He’s gonna have to take a cloud in, to fulfil it. Now all these things that have been established back there in the scriptures, they have to be fulfilled. And Yahshua the Messiah fulfilled everything (I want you to get this straight too,) there’s some more yet to be fulfilled. Now I’ll tell you what I mean by that: everything that He was supposed to do while He was walkin’ around in the flesh back here with Moses, He established that or instituted that in the flesh. Now everything that He had to do that was contained in the ordinances while He walked around with them, He fulfilled it while He was in the flesh, but there’s something to be fulfilled after He resurrected from the dead. Well, what was that? He said if I go I come again and receive you unto Myself, that where I am (said that before He died) where I am, there will you be also. So now He told them to, after He had ascended, you go back to Jerusalem and you tarry there to receive power from on high and then you shall be Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Audience: NO, no sir.
Dr. Kinley: You shall be my witnesses unto me in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria and the uttermost parts of the earth. Now they went on back and instead of doing what they were told, you know what they did? They went to casting lots. Find out who’s gonna take Judas’ place. Yet and after He had resurrected from the dead He told them, opened up their understanding in the scriptures and began at Moses and opened up their understanding in the spirit. But Judas wasn’t there, so He didn’t say anything at all about Judas. And since they had started looking through the scriptures and bumped into the prophesy back there about Judas and his bishoprick let another take. So then they decided, `yeah, I guess just .., maybe we just better find somebody to take his place.’ And so they went to pulling straws to find out who’s gonna take his place. Now if He had wanted them to know He would have told them, just like He told them on the base of the mountain there or on the plateau of that mountain, Moses told them, said, now you tarry here until we come again unto you. They went on down and built the golden calf. They didn’t do like they were told, and they’ve been shouting the bull ever since. Now if you was real smart you could catch up with that like this. Now the ___ of Rome who’s saying the papal or papal bull. It ain’t as good now as it was then, that was a gold one, but now this is a papal. Now they call them encyclicals now, but now here’s what I’m trying to point out to you: they was wrong .., they did what they was not told to do, they were told not to do that. And so now they didn’t know nothing about who’s supposed to take Judas’ place and they acted like .., they thought he .., ___ ___ ___ ___. So then they wanna find out .., and I read a book here not too long.., written by a Jew too, said God let Him choose His disciples by casting lots. Now ain’t that something else? No that’s not the way it is. That’s not the way it is. But now we’re gonna get into some of these things tomorrow and we’ll talk with you about it, and so that you can see for yourself whether it is true that I did receive a vision, tell you the truth about that thing. I just may decide to tell you the truth about that tomorrow.
Audience: APPLAUDS
Dr. Kinley: .. been away and ___ ___ so you can understand. Now the real facts in the cases are these: I received Yahshua the Messiah who is in the Father. Now that’s what I, now that’s what I really received. And it was Him in me that’s revealing that to you. Now I want to say this before I conclude. Now these charts and all that are around this wall, we have been teaching and preaching these things for 40 years and I wanna let you know that we’ve had some from the Roman Catholic Church, and from any church you wanna mention, and there has been nobody here in this school that’s been able to refute the teaching in this school. And if you wanna really know the truth about it, the Mystery of Yahweh and the Mystery of Iniquity, you stick around here. Now somebody’s gonna think, `well, he just thinks he’s smart.’ No I don’t, I know I am.
Audience: APPLAUDS
Dr. Kinley: No, you got that all wrong. You remember what Yahshua the Messiah said to the woman at the well? And she thought she was making a crush on Him. He said you ask of me to give you a drink, he said I would have given it to you. So the real facts in the case: you need some water that you won’t have to go to the spigot or the well or nothing else to get it. And now that I’m on that I wanna tell you this that you never heard very much about. You know when Moses come out of the land of Egypt and he went into the wilderness and there he met Zipporah. Somebody said, `Jethro.’ No, Reuel. Reuel. Did you get that?
Audience: Right.
Dr. Kinley: Huh? ___ ___. And Moses set down on that well. Now you oughta think about that, has to be fulfilled too. So that woman out there … He told His disciples, now don’t you go through Samaria, don’t go in the ways of the Gentiles, but when it come time for Him to go that way, He went and took His disciples with Him and He set down on that well. And for the most part it has never dawned on Christendom, it never dawned on Christendom what He was doing there at that well. Ain’t even .., they don’t even know nothin’ about why He went and sit down on the well and that woman come out there. Now Reuel had .., how many daughters?
Audience: 7
Dr. Kinley: And then since Reuel had 7 daughter, now, what .., how many husbands did this woman have?
Audience: 7
Dr. Kinley: Do you see? I don’t see no problem at all if you ever catch on (now listen to what I’m saying) if you ever catch on to how the purpose works, then you won’t have so much of a problem figuring these things out. Now let me close out by saying this, now you thought all your life that the first book of, of Moses was Genesis. Didn’t you think that?
Audience: Yes
Dr. Kinley: And you haven’t known that for only just a few days or so. Now it’s just not so. Now then we have to, we have to tell you that the Exodus was before the Genesis. Now somebody said, `now you know that don’t make no sense.’ No, not until you understand it. The Exodus means a departure. And Moses said you have to depart out of Egypt or make an Exodus out of there before he’d seen anything at all about the Genesis or the creation up there in the vision. You see what I’m talking about? You got the Bible all twisted up. And the hypocrites, and the skeptics, the atheists, the agnostics, the infidels, and the liars, and the back biters, and, and the charlatans (that oughta do) out here … Now people don’t like me for telling them the truth about it. And the reason why you see me walking around with guards, it’s not because I’m afraid of anybody. I’m trying to give you a break because some idiot will jump up and say `I’m gonna get rid of him, why then I’ll get some indulgence or something, I’ll get some credit to kill him in the defence of the church.’ But I wanna let you know, I died once, hanging out there on the cross. Now it’s my turn. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Audience: APPLAUDS
Dr. Kinley: We’ll talk to you more about this thing tomorrow.
Audience: APPLAUDS
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